Uploaded by leora.lakin 𑁋 (1 Style)
ntroduce My New Font: Abenda - Elegant typeface
Abenda is elegant sans serif family with the modern typeface concept. Abenda very easy to use and has been accompanied by elegant and classy alternatives. Abenda also suitable to be combined with other fonts, as on page 5, I applied the font with Dallard Modern Calligraphy Font. Abenda can be used for various needs such as logos, posters, art, branding, magazines, stationery, websites, etc.
Note: This Desktop License does not include rights to use the font on a Website or a Mobile App. If you need an Extended License, contact me.
Let's fly together with Abenda
Features :
Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Number and Punctuation Stylistic Alternate Multilingual Accent : ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ Pua Encoded What Included?
Abenda otf,ttf,woff Abenda Italic otf,ttf,woff Abenda Bold otf,ttf,woff Abenda Bold Italic otf,ttf,woff
download full version here: https://creativemarket.com/PenCulture/3481982-Abenda-Elegant-Typeface
thank you
Image Generator is a service that allows you to fully customize your texts and visualize them in various formats. This user-friendly tool enables you to adjust font style, font size, background color, font color, and your text content.
Image Generator enables you to customize the background and font colors to make your texts visually appealing. You can choose your preferred colors or utilize color palettes to achieve specific color harmonies. This allows you to adjust your texts to reflect the identity of your projects or brand.
Image Generator provides outputs in SVG and PNG formats based on user preferences. The SVG format allows you to save your texts as vector-based graphics, ensuring no loss of quality when resizing. The PNG format provides high-quality raster images. This allows you to obtain ideal outputs for using your designs on websites, social media platforms, or printed materials.
Typeface © (your company). 2019. All Rights Reserved
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