Mixy Missy Preview 1
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Mixy Missy

byPutracetol Studio
License Type
What are these?
License Terms :
  • Number of User : 1 User.
  • Number of Installation : Up to 3 Computers/ Devices.
  • Install the Font on your Mac OS X or Windows System.
  • Use the Font in Desktop Applications like Ms Word, Mac Pages, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, etc.
  • Logo : Use Font for Logo and NON Trademark the Logo.
  • Social Media : Use Font for NON Monetized Social Media Content.
  • End Product : Use Font for End Product up to 5.000 Prints/ Merchandises/ Sales.

Additional Information :

  • Website : Please Purchase Website License.
  • Monetized Social Media, E-Pub : Please Purchase Social Media License.
  • Trademark Logo : Please Purchase Logo License.
  • Server, App/ Game : Please Purchase Extended License.
  • Broadcast : Please Purchase Corporate License.

Desktop Licenses are cumulative. To cover additional users, place a new order for the same Desktop package and specify the number of additional users. If you don’t find the suitable license or have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Need custom license? Please contact us using Contact Form
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Type Tester

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Product Detail

Introducing … Mixy Missy – 12 Style Display Font

Mixy Missy is a fun display font with 12 different styles. This font is very unique and creative. Each style can be used for different purposes, and each style can be combined with another style. Enjoy this font πŸ™‚

Ideal for logos, badge, label, apparel, club, event, handwritten quotes, product packaging, header, poster, merchandise, social media & greeting cards.

In Zip Package :
– Mixy Missy (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Bubble (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Dot (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Drop (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Fire (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Inline (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Outline (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Rope (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Sans (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Shadow (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Slab (Otf, Ttf, Woff)
– Mixy Missy Speed (Otf, Ttf, Woff)

Comes with feature :
– Uppercase
– Lowercase
– Number, Punctuation And Symbols


If you have any questions, feedback or comments, please feel free to send me a PM or email me at putra.designer@gmail.com
Happy Creating!

PutraCetol Design Studio


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